"I couldn't speak anymore. I lifted my head and kissed him with a passion that might possibly set the forest on fire. I wouldn't have noticed, says Bella as she returns to her forever loving Edward Cullen." Stephenie Meyer's Breaking Dawn mesmerized me with the unconditional love and longing for a soul mate just like Edward and Bella.
Breaking Dawn shows the world how no matter how hard the times are that a love like this one can never be found anywhere else. Even when death stares into the larger crowd, no one can help but to be scared for one another when the Voultri come.
Stephanie Meyer's style is a unique one. She changes the point of view, the narrator, during the book three times which allows me to see every ones thoughts and feelings about situations throughout the book. The Cullen family and, Bella, soon to be apart of the Cullen family show love every person in the world wished exists. The love shown in Breaking Dawn makes me like all of the characters even more in this book. After reading the first book, Twilight, this could not have been a better way to end the saga.
From the trees to the meadow and the clearing to the cottage all of the different surroundings keep my mind thinking of what each and every detail looks like. Changing the setting so many times in the book is a good way to keep readers wanting more to see where Edward and Bella go next or who the Cullen family may hunt for in the future.
As Edward and Bella return from the honeymoon sonner than expected, the Cullens know a problem has arised. Bella is tired and weak where Edward is scared for Bella's life! He will do everything he has in him to save his one and only true love. As for Jasper and Alice's dissappearence the Cullens are left with few notes and decoding the notes are only the beggining. Reading Breaking Dawn led me on an adventure that I could not stop reading to find out what happened yet. Even when i was very tired late at night I could not find a spot to stop because of the never ending journey to happiness and peace.
I absolutely recommend Breaking Dawn to every persons list to read. Make sure and read the whole saga starting with Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Then the sheep broke out into a tremendous bleating of "Four legs good, two legs bad!" This later was changed to "Four legs good, two legs better!" When times are not right for the animals at Animal Farm everyone sees a change needs to come. The animals are going to run this farm the way they want and will rule, but when a dictatorship is leading on will this utopia farm turn into dystopia everywhere?
George Orwell's Animal Farm expresses and brings out the utopia and dystopia in every situation.
Animal Farm illustrates the fight inside of everyone to be a leader and to strive to be perfect, but as all of the animals know the utopia can never be reached. George Orwell shows Comrade Napoleon's dictator qualities which leads to a dystopia farm.
I like George Orwell's style because he has the characters which are animals talking in his book. This type of style tends to draw me into books more because not only can i put face for the description but a way the character thinks and feels by the animals being able to talk.
As I have said, the characters which are mainly the animals that live at Animal Farm are able to talk. This makes me believe in the animals as people because they give off human like qualities, which could be in a sense more of a utopia. In most animal books I like all of the animals if they are not able to talk because I only see them as this cute little or large animal that they are. In George Orwell's book now the animals have feelings, thoughts, and actions that lead to the disliking of a character such as Comrade Napoleon. Other characters like Boxer shows his bravery and level of heart to get the task done, making him a well liked character.
By using situations that happen in real life, (except for the talking animals) George Orwell creates a farm that shows the down falls of trying to become perfect. The community also consists of other farms that the animals come in contact to when they trade to obtain the other necessities needed. The way Animal Farm is set up George Orwell allows the community to be a text-to-world type of situation that makes the read easier and more understandable.
Mr. Jones of Manor Farm, later changed to Animal Farm, is unliked by the animals and the thought of taking over comes into play. One simple word comes to mind when the animals want to get rid of Mr. Jones and that is rebellion. The animals talk and plan for days about this so called rebellion and finally go through with the plan. Now all that is left to do is sing the famous song Beasts Of England. Old major had taught the animals the song and told them the song resembled something between the Clementine and La Cucaracha. After the animals rebelled and chased Mr. Jones and wife out of the farm the animals went to work on making the farm a better and happier place to live. The animals decided to have commandments to keep them in line. These commandments represent a utopia that was established at one point. The seven commandments read as followed: 1) Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy 2) Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend 3) No animal shall wear clothes 4) No animal shall sleep in a bed 5) No animal shall drink alcohol 6) No animal shall kill any other animal 7) All animals are equal. Snowball and Napoleon showed great leadership and skills when Mr. Jones was gone in leading the farm to the everyday life without workers. The animals would all now work equally and be treated the same way, until debates starting happening between Snowball and Napoleon. Napoleon did not like to be wrong. Snowball did not mind to be wrong but would prove his point until right. These two animals argue and argue about certain situations and sometimes silly little problems. Now Napoleon shows he is wanting to be leader but what will he do to be the top "pig?" Reading Animal Farm will give the incites on the animals thoughts and ideas about killings. Yes, in the seven commandments, number six says "No animal shall kill any other animal" but will the new highly thought of dictator to be change the rules to be the top pig.
George Orwell wrote, "Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which." My recommendation for Animal Farm is to read the book and see how a not so good life can change in a matter of days and form into a perfect utopia, but this utopia will most of the time find a way to become kaos again.
George Orwell's Animal Farm expresses and brings out the utopia and dystopia in every situation.
Animal Farm illustrates the fight inside of everyone to be a leader and to strive to be perfect, but as all of the animals know the utopia can never be reached. George Orwell shows Comrade Napoleon's dictator qualities which leads to a dystopia farm.
I like George Orwell's style because he has the characters which are animals talking in his book. This type of style tends to draw me into books more because not only can i put face for the description but a way the character thinks and feels by the animals being able to talk.
As I have said, the characters which are mainly the animals that live at Animal Farm are able to talk. This makes me believe in the animals as people because they give off human like qualities, which could be in a sense more of a utopia. In most animal books I like all of the animals if they are not able to talk because I only see them as this cute little or large animal that they are. In George Orwell's book now the animals have feelings, thoughts, and actions that lead to the disliking of a character such as Comrade Napoleon. Other characters like Boxer shows his bravery and level of heart to get the task done, making him a well liked character.
By using situations that happen in real life, (except for the talking animals) George Orwell creates a farm that shows the down falls of trying to become perfect. The community also consists of other farms that the animals come in contact to when they trade to obtain the other necessities needed. The way Animal Farm is set up George Orwell allows the community to be a text-to-world type of situation that makes the read easier and more understandable.
Mr. Jones of Manor Farm, later changed to Animal Farm, is unliked by the animals and the thought of taking over comes into play. One simple word comes to mind when the animals want to get rid of Mr. Jones and that is rebellion. The animals talk and plan for days about this so called rebellion and finally go through with the plan. Now all that is left to do is sing the famous song Beasts Of England. Old major had taught the animals the song and told them the song resembled something between the Clementine and La Cucaracha. After the animals rebelled and chased Mr. Jones and wife out of the farm the animals went to work on making the farm a better and happier place to live. The animals decided to have commandments to keep them in line. These commandments represent a utopia that was established at one point. The seven commandments read as followed: 1) Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy 2) Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend 3) No animal shall wear clothes 4) No animal shall sleep in a bed 5) No animal shall drink alcohol 6) No animal shall kill any other animal 7) All animals are equal. Snowball and Napoleon showed great leadership and skills when Mr. Jones was gone in leading the farm to the everyday life without workers. The animals would all now work equally and be treated the same way, until debates starting happening between Snowball and Napoleon. Napoleon did not like to be wrong. Snowball did not mind to be wrong but would prove his point until right. These two animals argue and argue about certain situations and sometimes silly little problems. Now Napoleon shows he is wanting to be leader but what will he do to be the top "pig?" Reading Animal Farm will give the incites on the animals thoughts and ideas about killings. Yes, in the seven commandments, number six says "No animal shall kill any other animal" but will the new highly thought of dictator to be change the rules to be the top pig.
George Orwell wrote, "Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which." My recommendation for Animal Farm is to read the book and see how a not so good life can change in a matter of days and form into a perfect utopia, but this utopia will most of the time find a way to become kaos again.
Most people seek an adventure over spring break, whether the adventure brings thrill, happiness, or maybe both but my spring break this year stayed right at home. Nothing is wrong with staying home and taking some time off from the stressful school life. My spring break included spending time with my family, watching movies, and kicking back taking a break. The Lady Pioneers knew the upcoming Tuesday would be another home soccer game, so during the break everyone on the team would need to stay in shape to come back and be in the physical condition to play. Girls lose their physical composure in two to three days, to keep in shape players can run, bike, or jog on the treadmill. I kept up my stamina by jogging around the yard with a soccer ball and riding my bike. Dribbling with a soccer ball not only keeps me in shape but helps with the ball control that every player needs to work on to become better and more skilled. I rode up and down my road for long distance because down and back is equal to four hundred meters. If I rode up my road and back down eight times this would be equivalent to one mile, and soccer is all running. As others went off on cruises and to Florida I spent my time preparing and relaxing which is time well spent. Next spring break will probably be same but that is just fine with me.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Some kids do not like typing out their papers while others would rather type the paper on the computer than to write the draft out by hand. I personally like typing my work on the computer. Many times the teachers have us start out by submitting the work to the blog, m favorite techie tool, the blog allows us students to submit, save drafts, and edit our work all online in one spot. This is an advantage for students and teachers because the student can have other classmates leave comments with ideas if the project is group work, and also a teacher can leave students comments on errors they may need to fix. The teacher may also chose to make blogs for a grade and this allows the teacher to tell the students a deadline and view the blogs from their home. The blog also allows you to connect with writers and journalists as well and give them feedback on books and pieces of their work. All in all the Internet is moving forward and advancing in many ways and Blogger may become a new big hit.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
ANTHEM Book Review
The word which will not die, should we all perish in battle. The word which can never die on this earth, for it is the heart of it and the meaning and the glory.
The sacred word:
Ayn Rand's ANTHEM encourages the alone to seek and find what knowledge is needed in the society and bring back the "future."
Living in the dark, alone, and loveless world Equality 7-2521 dared to be different. Lessons learned throughout the book include, be different, love someone even if you are alone, and try new things without being afraid. The writing style Ayn Rand used was unique. When a character talked about oneself the character said we. For example, the Council of the Home is questioning one person and asks, Where have you been?" we thought of our glass box and of our light, and we forgot all else. And we answered: "We will not tell you." Reading this book at first may be challenging to get the people straight but a whole new look on people will change the attitude of readers.
Living in a society, a perfect world, the dark ages leaves Equality 7-2521, Union 5-3992, and International 4-8818 wanting more out of life. These three are a brigade of street sweepers. Against the law, these three characters prayed and prayed to become a member of the Home of the Scholars. Thinking about the job desired before the Council is to pick the job is breaking the law. Breaking this law usually results in a job far away from the one desired, but these three characters never lost hope to invent something new, to help the society. Ayn Rand does an excellent job of keeping faith alive for the characters that have been mistreated and abused for wanting to think outside the box and help with not just the job the council has given them, but one of the Home of the Scholars.
Living in the world today, one nation, all for one and one for all, and everyone helping with ideas makes the 21 century an united place to live. In ANTHEM just like the world today there are still parts undiscovered that have once been a civilization or not kept secret as they are today. Ayn Rand's scene keeps readers questioning what will happen next and where the tunnel will lead the curious ones.
Living held back, living beaten, living always curious creates tension and controversy in this book. "But this is not the only sin upon us. We have committed a greater crime, and for this crime there is no name. What punishment awaits us if it be discovered we know not, for no such crime has come in the memory of men and there are no laws to provide for it." ANTHEM is similar to The Giver in many ways but does not have the same plot or ending so if the quote before from ANTHEM leaves curiosity and mystery read ANTHEM to find out just as I did the road ahead may lead somewhere else rather than where expected.
The sacred word:
Ayn Rand's ANTHEM encourages the alone to seek and find what knowledge is needed in the society and bring back the "future."
Living in the dark, alone, and loveless world Equality 7-2521 dared to be different. Lessons learned throughout the book include, be different, love someone even if you are alone, and try new things without being afraid. The writing style Ayn Rand used was unique. When a character talked about oneself the character said we. For example, the Council of the Home is questioning one person and asks, Where have you been?" we thought of our glass box and of our light, and we forgot all else. And we answered: "We will not tell you." Reading this book at first may be challenging to get the people straight but a whole new look on people will change the attitude of readers.
Living in a society, a perfect world, the dark ages leaves Equality 7-2521, Union 5-3992, and International 4-8818 wanting more out of life. These three are a brigade of street sweepers. Against the law, these three characters prayed and prayed to become a member of the Home of the Scholars. Thinking about the job desired before the Council is to pick the job is breaking the law. Breaking this law usually results in a job far away from the one desired, but these three characters never lost hope to invent something new, to help the society. Ayn Rand does an excellent job of keeping faith alive for the characters that have been mistreated and abused for wanting to think outside the box and help with not just the job the council has given them, but one of the Home of the Scholars.
Living in the world today, one nation, all for one and one for all, and everyone helping with ideas makes the 21 century an united place to live. In ANTHEM just like the world today there are still parts undiscovered that have once been a civilization or not kept secret as they are today. Ayn Rand's scene keeps readers questioning what will happen next and where the tunnel will lead the curious ones.
Living held back, living beaten, living always curious creates tension and controversy in this book. "But this is not the only sin upon us. We have committed a greater crime, and for this crime there is no name. What punishment awaits us if it be discovered we know not, for no such crime has come in the memory of men and there are no laws to provide for it." ANTHEM is similar to The Giver in many ways but does not have the same plot or ending so if the quote before from ANTHEM leaves curiosity and mystery read ANTHEM to find out just as I did the road ahead may lead somewhere else rather than where expected.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Outside Book #3
As Joan Crawford said "Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell." Anna knows she should act with her head, but she is on a mission to start acting with her heart. The question is: If she does forgive Ben, will she get the Hollywood ending she is hoping for? Zoey Dean's Girls On Film creates a whole new vibe to Hollywood and the guys inside.
The A-List novel is exciting and keeps the reader wondering about what will happen next. Will Anna and Ben get back together after Ben's disappearing act? Anna does not know if she can handle having Ben in her life even though she may love him. The book keeps people on their toes and reading all night to finish the book to see what happens.
Girls On Film includes the same characters as before in The A-List novel. The drama is caught up between Anna and Ben, Cammie and Ben, Sam and Anna, and Dee and Anna. Sometimes the girls try to help Anna, but like Cammie trying to win his hear over.
The setting stays the same as most of the other books where the scene is in LA. Samantha Sharpe and Anna do travel to Veronique's which is the tony desert spa to work on a film. After Ben's disappearing act he finds Anna and wants to explain what happened the night she thought he abandoned her all alone.
Journey through the lifestyle of the rich and famous and become caught up in the drama and watch if the characters stay on the good or bad side of one another. I recommend reading Girls On Film and stay reading for the third in the novel Blonde Ambition.
The A-List novel is exciting and keeps the reader wondering about what will happen next. Will Anna and Ben get back together after Ben's disappearing act? Anna does not know if she can handle having Ben in her life even though she may love him. The book keeps people on their toes and reading all night to finish the book to see what happens.
Girls On Film includes the same characters as before in The A-List novel. The drama is caught up between Anna and Ben, Cammie and Ben, Sam and Anna, and Dee and Anna. Sometimes the girls try to help Anna, but like Cammie trying to win his hear over.
The setting stays the same as most of the other books where the scene is in LA. Samantha Sharpe and Anna do travel to Veronique's which is the tony desert spa to work on a film. After Ben's disappearing act he finds Anna and wants to explain what happened the night she thought he abandoned her all alone.
Journey through the lifestyle of the rich and famous and become caught up in the drama and watch if the characters stay on the good or bad side of one another. I recommend reading Girls On Film and stay reading for the third in the novel Blonde Ambition.
Outside Book #2
The moment Cynthia Baltres peed all over an eight thousand dollar Herme's Kelly handbag was the moment that Anna Cabot Percy decided to make Cynthia her best friend. Zoey Dean's The A-List captures teens bringing the glamorous life and drama out on paper.
Money, boys, and drama fill the Los Angles lifestyle. The theme of the book is set as cold yet loving at times. In the first ten pages the book can teach that first impression goes a very long way. Anna Percy meets an older man and from the very beginning knows he is bad news. On this same day, same plane ride, Anna realizes that her knight in shining armour, Ben, may be sitting in the next isle a few seats back in his Princeton tee. Their first impressions leads to love and heartbreak that alters the future that lies ahead for Miss Percy.
As Zoey Dean draws the readers into the book, the characters seem to either fall into the like or dislike category. Many opinions change scene by scene that make you root or boo a character. If reading this book creates a strong feeling towards a character then Zoey Dean has drawn the book around and created a world everyone can fit inside. Even though the setting is not made up,
Dean creates tons of new imagery not possible to see through the imagination.
Anna and Ben have a connection upon their first meeting on the plane, but little does Anna know Ben's ex-girlfriend Cammy has a little something coming for Cammie. Cammie's friends Sam, and Dee enter the scene and set the bar high when meeting Anna for the first time. This book gives Anna her fair share of ups and downs while still keeping hope alive to find true love.
If the question is asked to be on the a-list no one will ever get invited. I enjoyed the juicy drama and rich and famous lifestyle from the first book The A-List. I would consider jumping into the next book to see what happens with the "friends forever" called Girls On Film.
Money, boys, and drama fill the Los Angles lifestyle. The theme of the book is set as cold yet loving at times. In the first ten pages the book can teach that first impression goes a very long way. Anna Percy meets an older man and from the very beginning knows he is bad news. On this same day, same plane ride, Anna realizes that her knight in shining armour, Ben, may be sitting in the next isle a few seats back in his Princeton tee. Their first impressions leads to love and heartbreak that alters the future that lies ahead for Miss Percy.
As Zoey Dean draws the readers into the book, the characters seem to either fall into the like or dislike category. Many opinions change scene by scene that make you root or boo a character. If reading this book creates a strong feeling towards a character then Zoey Dean has drawn the book around and created a world everyone can fit inside. Even though the setting is not made up,
Dean creates tons of new imagery not possible to see through the imagination.
Anna and Ben have a connection upon their first meeting on the plane, but little does Anna know Ben's ex-girlfriend Cammy has a little something coming for Cammie. Cammie's friends Sam, and Dee enter the scene and set the bar high when meeting Anna for the first time. This book gives Anna her fair share of ups and downs while still keeping hope alive to find true love.
If the question is asked to be on the a-list no one will ever get invited. I enjoyed the juicy drama and rich and famous lifestyle from the first book The A-List. I would consider jumping into the next book to see what happens with the "friends forever" called Girls On Film.
Outside Book #1
"The paper said he died on impat. The bike was a total loss. It wasn't his fault. Michael Sherwood was only sixteen years old." Halley's best friend, Scarlett, has lost one of her best friends, her boyfriend, and has just found out she is carrying his baby. Sarah Dessen's Someone Like You acentuates the high qualities of a good friend.
Lessons in life are learned from others actions. Someone Like You illustartes qualities in a friend that every person wishes to have. Styles in a book that are the same with a fairytale ending become overused. Not every story is perfect where ever dreams come true and the under dog team always has a victorious comeback. Sarah Dessen's Someone Like You is considered heartbreaking and warmth to the soul.
Having tragedy and comfort in the same setting shows Dessen's creativity. The characters come alive trying to hlep one another in their own ways. When a friend is down and in mourning "Life is an ugly awful place not to have a best friend." At school, to the doctor, and traveling to one anothers home sets the scene for the characters. At all times Halley and Scarlett are dealing with their own problems and helping one another overcome each others.
Lessons in life are learned from others actions. Someone Like You illustartes qualities in a friend that every person wishes to have. Styles in a book that are the same with a fairytale ending become overused. Not every story is perfect where ever dreams come true and the under dog team always has a victorious comeback. Sarah Dessen's Someone Like You is considered heartbreaking and warmth to the soul.
Having tragedy and comfort in the same setting shows Dessen's creativity. The characters come alive trying to hlep one another in their own ways. When a friend is down and in mourning "Life is an ugly awful place not to have a best friend." At school, to the doctor, and traveling to one anothers home sets the scene for the characters. At all times Halley and Scarlett are dealing with their own problems and helping one another overcome each others.
Knowing that she can not let Scarlett down, Hally gets ready for the difficult journey ahead. Because a true friend is a promise you keep forever. After reading Someone Like You the qualities in Halley make me want to strive to become more like her to help a friend just as she. I do recommend Sarah Dessen's book Someone Like You for anyone who enjoys the laughter and tears of friendship.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Taking a Stand-Antigone Review
"Unwept, friendless, with no marriage hymn, unfortuante, I am taken down the prepared road. It is no longer right for unhapy me to see this holy eye of light, but no friend groans over my unwept fate." Antigone brings character and tragedy from the men and women of Thebes into the every day life of Sophocles's Antigone brodens the view of a woman and her duties.
Sophocles brings character's relationships with their famillys in tie with the personal duties needing to be carried through with, which makes the theme a controversey. Women's duty during the time is having the responsibility of burying the men that die. When Antigone's responsibility is denied for her to finish the task of burying her brother Polynices, Antigone breaks rules and shows her stubbornness to finish the task.
Agreeing with rules is usually the right choice to make always, but sometimes going against the set rules may be better. A dynasty, a tradition, a civic responsibility to live up too. Creon on the other hand is stubborn and strives for everyone to obey his word. He says,
...my country is safety itself, and only when she is upright can our sailing find friends. With laws like these I will make our city grow. By his words, Creon declares Eteocles to be buried and Polynices to stay unburried. Clashing with Creon, Antigone knows her obligations to her family and brothers and demands her say in the decision. Ismene, Antigone's sister, argues with Creon and trys to explain Antigone's words further. Unable to convince Creon, Ismene realizes Antigone may die but upon her own fate.
Most of the story takes place at the palace of Thebes. Thebes is located in the norhtern part of mainnland Greece. Thebes is known to have many myths taken place there, and was a rival to Athens.
Deaths, drama, and betrayal all happens because of the duty to burry a dead person. In my case, I would rather stay living than possibly having an outcome of death to bury my brother. The choice is all in ones opinion in what they want to follow through with. Does Antigone leave her brother Polynices unburried and live or will she try to bury him and unwillingly die?
"Knowledge truly is by far the most important part of happiness, but one must neglect nothing that the gods demand. Great words of the over-proud balanced by great falls taught us knowledge in our old age." Says the old men of Thebes. Antigone is a classic at one point everyone should read to see the everyday challenges people faced earlier in history. Will you read and see if the old men of Thebes are correct about more knowledge coming as you age?
Sophocles brings character's relationships with their famillys in tie with the personal duties needing to be carried through with, which makes the theme a controversey. Women's duty during the time is having the responsibility of burying the men that die. When Antigone's responsibility is denied for her to finish the task of burying her brother Polynices, Antigone breaks rules and shows her stubbornness to finish the task.
Agreeing with rules is usually the right choice to make always, but sometimes going against the set rules may be better. A dynasty, a tradition, a civic responsibility to live up too. Creon on the other hand is stubborn and strives for everyone to obey his word. He says,
...my country is safety itself, and only when she is upright can our sailing find friends. With laws like these I will make our city grow. By his words, Creon declares Eteocles to be buried and Polynices to stay unburried. Clashing with Creon, Antigone knows her obligations to her family and brothers and demands her say in the decision. Ismene, Antigone's sister, argues with Creon and trys to explain Antigone's words further. Unable to convince Creon, Ismene realizes Antigone may die but upon her own fate.
Most of the story takes place at the palace of Thebes. Thebes is located in the norhtern part of mainnland Greece. Thebes is known to have many myths taken place there, and was a rival to Athens.
Deaths, drama, and betrayal all happens because of the duty to burry a dead person. In my case, I would rather stay living than possibly having an outcome of death to bury my brother. The choice is all in ones opinion in what they want to follow through with. Does Antigone leave her brother Polynices unburried and live or will she try to bury him and unwillingly die?
"Knowledge truly is by far the most important part of happiness, but one must neglect nothing that the gods demand. Great words of the over-proud balanced by great falls taught us knowledge in our old age." Says the old men of Thebes. Antigone is a classic at one point everyone should read to see the everyday challenges people faced earlier in history. Will you read and see if the old men of Thebes are correct about more knowledge coming as you age?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Taking a Stand-The Call of the Wild Review
Leadership. "Buck wanted it. He wanted it because it was his nature, because he had been gripped tight by that nameless, incomprehensible pride of the trial and trace-that pride which holds dogs in the toil to the last gasp, which lures them to die joyfully in the harness, and breaks their hearts if they are cut out of the harness." Jack London's Call of The Wild accentuates the real essence of nature's calling.
Jack London uses a very vivid theme for the book. He highlights the harsh, bitter, and cruel moments through Buck's life. London's voice does not succumb to the feeble bodies reading the story. His voice is unique creating pictures as if the screen is right in front playing the scenes out.
The pain endured as he traveled back to camp was written with great intensity that made the realization everyone had been killed a superior situation for Buck. Jack London creates the characters with such great detail, everyone mentioned strives to find the leadership and courage inside of them throughout the story. Being a like able person is the same as being a like able character. If the character has a good sense of humor at times, sorrow, and leadership the character is well rounded. London's characters in the book are thought out to fit their part exactly the way they need to effect the book. Buck is a great example of a well rounded character. He exerts the effort to prove his spot in the wild. Killing the leaders of other packs and showing he is strong and can lead a pack. Buck also shows grief when he comes to find his family after the Indians have attacked the base camp. The man in the red sweater shows no mercy. He gives outs the punishments wanting to finish the task not to stop and smell the roses and waste all of his time.
Jack London creates a place with harsh environments. Not out of the imagination but of a place he visited before writing the story. He traveled to Alaska and the Canadian Yukon searching for the prized possession gold. With high hopes to bring back gold, London returns with a harsh beauty of the wild to write about in Call of the Wild, published in 1903. Since London has traveled to a place worthy of writing about, he is now able to recall from his experiences and give Buck the same feelings he knows best.
The dominant one. The Leader, Buck, having many problems of his own starting out adapts to new survival techniques needed to survive in the bitter world. Fighting viciously with moose, Indians, and Spitz Buck finds ways to survive and make the time rush by quick. Determined to get back in time to help his family fight off the attackers, Buck sprints through the wild destroying any moving object that gets in his way. Other head chiefs and leaders battle out the top spot with Buck to see who "owns" everything around them. Catch yourself falling for Buck remembering a time in life when nothing seemed to go right and no one was there to support and realize the situation could always be worse, just like in Buck's case.
"But he is not always alone. When the long winter nights come on and the wolves follow their meat into the lower valleys, he may be seen running at the head of the pack through the pale moonlight or glimmering borealis, leaping gigantic above his fellows, his great throat a-bellow as he sings a song of the younger world, which is the song of the pack." I do recommend to cut free and imagine the troubles Buck and his fellow dog packs encounter as the story travels through the vicious, the wild, the calls, for the call of the wild is coming!
Jack London uses a very vivid theme for the book. He highlights the harsh, bitter, and cruel moments through Buck's life. London's voice does not succumb to the feeble bodies reading the story. His voice is unique creating pictures as if the screen is right in front playing the scenes out.
The pain endured as he traveled back to camp was written with great intensity that made the realization everyone had been killed a superior situation for Buck. Jack London creates the characters with such great detail, everyone mentioned strives to find the leadership and courage inside of them throughout the story. Being a like able person is the same as being a like able character. If the character has a good sense of humor at times, sorrow, and leadership the character is well rounded. London's characters in the book are thought out to fit their part exactly the way they need to effect the book. Buck is a great example of a well rounded character. He exerts the effort to prove his spot in the wild. Killing the leaders of other packs and showing he is strong and can lead a pack. Buck also shows grief when he comes to find his family after the Indians have attacked the base camp. The man in the red sweater shows no mercy. He gives outs the punishments wanting to finish the task not to stop and smell the roses and waste all of his time.
Jack London creates a place with harsh environments. Not out of the imagination but of a place he visited before writing the story. He traveled to Alaska and the Canadian Yukon searching for the prized possession gold. With high hopes to bring back gold, London returns with a harsh beauty of the wild to write about in Call of the Wild, published in 1903. Since London has traveled to a place worthy of writing about, he is now able to recall from his experiences and give Buck the same feelings he knows best.
The dominant one. The Leader, Buck, having many problems of his own starting out adapts to new survival techniques needed to survive in the bitter world. Fighting viciously with moose, Indians, and Spitz Buck finds ways to survive and make the time rush by quick. Determined to get back in time to help his family fight off the attackers, Buck sprints through the wild destroying any moving object that gets in his way. Other head chiefs and leaders battle out the top spot with Buck to see who "owns" everything around them. Catch yourself falling for Buck remembering a time in life when nothing seemed to go right and no one was there to support and realize the situation could always be worse, just like in Buck's case.
"But he is not always alone. When the long winter nights come on and the wolves follow their meat into the lower valleys, he may be seen running at the head of the pack through the pale moonlight or glimmering borealis, leaping gigantic above his fellows, his great throat a-bellow as he sings a song of the younger world, which is the song of the pack." I do recommend to cut free and imagine the troubles Buck and his fellow dog packs encounter as the story travels through the vicious, the wild, the calls, for the call of the wild is coming!
Taking a Stand
“NO! I will not be apart of this.” Exclaimed the girl as all of her friends abandoned her at the gas station on the way to the party. Those screaming words are very few of which teenagers choose to say. The task is simple; stand up for yourself and good will come out of the situation. I have had many encounters where the answer needed to be no or leave me alone. Standing up is what I do. When a girl has make up smeared all over her face and tears rushing out like a waterfall, I need to take care of the instance immediately. Taking care of the job is my duty. I finish the task. In Antigone, many of the characters stand up for their pride and culture. Do they put out their case in the right moment? Well, that is where some stories lead to tragedy and heartbreak. Antigone was not a hero. She simply knew where she came from and believed when no one thought the task could be done. Since women always prepared the burials of men, Antigone stood up for the women when Creon challenged to not allow them to carry on with such work. Being a woman, Antigone sets her mind to the task ahead and never looks back. A true heroic figure will not only stand up for themselves but for all those in need. I always remember the hero who died in battle, who did not give up, and the one who does an act of kindness out of the heart and soul. I want to be remembered as the person who stands up and defends. Do you?
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