Then the sheep broke out into a tremendous bleating of "Four legs good, two legs bad!" This later was changed to "Four legs good, two legs better!" When times are not right for the animals at Animal Farm everyone sees a change needs to come. The animals are going to run this farm the way they want and will rule, but when a dictatorship is leading on will this utopia farm turn into dystopia everywhere?
George Orwell's Animal Farm expresses and brings out the utopia and dystopia in every situation.
Animal Farm illustrates the fight inside of everyone to be a leader and to strive to be perfect, but as all of the animals know the utopia can never be reached. George Orwell shows Comrade Napoleon's dictator qualities which leads to a dystopia farm.
I like George Orwell's style because he has the characters which are animals talking in his book. This type of style tends to draw me into books more because not only can i put face for the description but a way the character thinks and feels by the animals being able to talk.
As I have said, the characters which are mainly the animals that live at Animal Farm are able to talk. This makes me believe in the animals as people because they give off human like qualities, which could be in a sense more of a utopia. In most animal books I like all of the animals if they are not able to talk because I only see them as this cute little or large animal that they are. In George Orwell's book now the animals have feelings, thoughts, and actions that lead to the disliking of a character such as Comrade Napoleon. Other characters like Boxer shows his bravery and level of heart to get the task done, making him a well liked character.
By using situations that happen in real life, (except for the talking animals) George Orwell creates a farm that shows the down falls of trying to become perfect. The community also consists of other farms that the animals come in contact to when they trade to obtain the other necessities needed. The way Animal Farm is set up George Orwell allows the community to be a text-to-world type of situation that makes the read easier and more understandable.
Mr. Jones of Manor Farm, later changed to Animal Farm, is unliked by the animals and the thought of taking over comes into play. One simple word comes to mind when the animals want to get rid of Mr. Jones and that is rebellion. The animals talk and plan for days about this so called rebellion and finally go through with the plan. Now all that is left to do is sing the famous song Beasts Of England. Old major had taught the animals the song and told them the song resembled something between the Clementine and La Cucaracha. After the animals rebelled and chased Mr. Jones and wife out of the farm the animals went to work on making the farm a better and happier place to live. The animals decided to have commandments to keep them in line. These commandments represent a utopia that was established at one point. The seven commandments read as followed: 1) Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy 2) Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend 3) No animal shall wear clothes 4) No animal shall sleep in a bed 5) No animal shall drink alcohol 6) No animal shall kill any other animal 7) All animals are equal. Snowball and Napoleon showed great leadership and skills when Mr. Jones was gone in leading the farm to the everyday life without workers. The animals would all now work equally and be treated the same way, until debates starting happening between Snowball and Napoleon. Napoleon did not like to be wrong. Snowball did not mind to be wrong but would prove his point until right. These two animals argue and argue about certain situations and sometimes silly little problems. Now Napoleon shows he is wanting to be leader but what will he do to be the top "pig?" Reading Animal Farm will give the incites on the animals thoughts and ideas about killings. Yes, in the seven commandments, number six says "No animal shall kill any other animal" but will the new highly thought of dictator to be change the rules to be the top pig.
George Orwell wrote, "Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which." My recommendation for Animal Farm is to read the book and see how a not so good life can change in a matter of days and form into a perfect utopia, but this utopia will most of the time find a way to become kaos again.
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